Tag Archives: Buying A Home

Homeownership: 7 Reasons To Take Action Now

Hello Trende Friends,
2717 University Blvd frtN3_1
This year is well under way and I hope you are excited for the Spring!  This means Spring cleaning, Spring wardrobe, Spring decor, Spring landscaping.  Minus the allergies, what’s not to love about the Spring!

If you have a friend or family member who is not quite ready to “Spring” into home ownership, I thought I’d share 7 GREAT reasons why they should consider taking the investment plunge NOW.  Interest rates are only going up, just ask the Fed.

7 Reasons to Own A Home

  1. Tax benefits. The U.S. Tax Code lets you deduct the interest you pay on your mortgage, your property taxes, and some of the costs involved in buying a home.
  2. Appreciation. Historically, real estate has had a long-term, stable growth in value. In fact, median single-family existing-home sale prices have increased on average 5.2 percent each year from 1972 through 2014, according to the National Association of REALTORS®.  The recent housing crisis has caused some to question the long-term value of real estate, but even in the most recent 10 years, which included quite a few very bad years for housing, values are still up 7.0 percent on a cumulative basis. In addition, the number of U.S. households is expected to rise 10 to15 percent over the next decade, creating continued high demand for housing.
  3. Equity. Money paid for rent is money that you’ll never see again, but mortgage payments let you build equity ownership interest in your home.
  4. Savings. Building equity in your home is a ready-made savings plan. And when you sell, you can generally take up to $250,000 ($500,000 for a married couple) as gain without owing any federal income tax.
  5. Predictability. Unlike rent, your fixed-rate mortgage payments don’t rise over the years so your housing costs may actually decline as you own the home longer. However, keep in mind that property taxes and insurance costs will likely increase.
  6. Freedom. The home is yours. You can decorate any way you want and choose the types of upgrades and new amenities that appeal to your lifestyle.
  7. Stability. Remaining in one neighborhood for several years allows you and your family time to build long-lasting relationships within the community. It also offers children the benefit of educational and social continuity.

1606 fowler extThanks again for the continued support.  For each referral I have something special to send your way! When they are ready please have them email me at nicole.brende@sothebyshomes.com. I can assist buyers & sellers anywhere in the world with my Sotheby’s network and in all price ranges.  I do appreciate the referral and I will take great care of them.

Your neighborhood Realtor,
Nicole Brende a.k.a. “Trende Brende”