Most of my family lives in sunny southern California. Every year it is tradition to visit. My uncle hosts a massive party on Easter Sunday. Besides all of the festivities including egg decorating contests, pop quizzes, egg hunts, count the jelly bean in the jar contest, traditional holiday food like lamb, ham, and the fixings, the adults participate in a beer hunt / poker game! In the past few years I have shared this concept with my friends and some have reported back to me and decided to create one of their own as well!
In simple terms this is how the official Brende Beer Hunt game works: count your hunters, hide beer bottles knowing that each hunter can pick up 6 beers or whatever amount you decide, place a poker card on some of them, money on others for fun, then the hunters can only pick up 5 beers with cards (a complete poker hand) then the rest is a free for all. When all hunters gather they get one chance to trade cards they do not like with the dealer. The person with the best hand gets 1st prize, and so on. Basically we all get a prize. We have a table full of prizes including bar accessories, liquor, BBQ stuff, etc. If you are not a beer person substitute it with soft drinks, champagne, wine (mini bottles), or flavored waters. Get creative. I recommend getting a big plastic pail to carry the goods in too. A basket would not be strong enough.
So have fun hunting your favorite liquids next year! No matter how old I get, this is something I truly get excited about. It’s fun, some of us get really competitive, and a cool bonding experience too.